More than Pigs...TV
Dorothy’s Range includes 50 acres with four buildings, a trout stream, wildlife pond, tall grass prairie, upland short grass prairie, burr oak savannah, sedge meadow, a pig pasture and large gardens. The cold water stream, Erickson creek, is part of the East Pecatonica water shed. There is a house with two living quarters, a small cottage that was once a farm outbuilding, a renovated beautiful barn, a little stone building that is used as a garage and an old hog barn that has received some needed work from a Frontera grant.
We offer farm experience and education including hands on works shops. Workshops include but never limited to: Fizzy ferments, ,crunchy fermentation, birding, fishing, native and medicinal plant identification, gardening, swine management, and much more. Please contact us for more information.
We believe there is a balance in food production with farming. Most of our acres are set aside for native habitat.
The two of us help to create this balance. We are raising food with the environment in mind and heart.

Steve's business Indigenous Restorations LLC keeps him engaged with the natural environment. He works with private land owners, the Nature Conservancy, Fish and Wildlife among others. His knowledge and love for SW Wisconsin is seen in his work here at Dorothy's Range and elsewhere throughout SW Wisconsin.
Experienced in Invasive removal, including trees, brush and smaller plants. His plant identification, knowledge, experience with funding opportunities, prairie burns, and seeding are a great asset to Indigenous restoration. Trout streams, turtles, and fishing are some of his favorites things.
Steve will be licensed to take folks fly fishing in there area. Want to explore the area with someone that knows the honey holes? Let us know and we can offer you a day or weekend.
Experienced in Invasive removal, including trees, brush and smaller plants. His plant identification, knowledge, experience with funding opportunities, prairie burns, and seeding are a great asset to Indigenous restoration. Trout streams, turtles, and fishing are some of his favorites things.
Steve will be licensed to take folks fly fishing in there area. Want to explore the area with someone that knows the honey holes? Let us know and we can offer you a day or weekend.

Thank You Dottie!
Dorothy's Range is possible because of Steve's mother, Dorothy. With her support, love and willingness the grange has evolved. We hope and trust her investment with us and the grange will prove to be very fruitful in the future. Thank you Dorothy!
Dorothy's Range is possible because of Steve's mother, Dorothy. With her support, love and willingness the grange has evolved. We hope and trust her investment with us and the grange will prove to be very fruitful in the future. Thank you Dorothy!
............Pictures at the Range...........
The seasons change,nothing it constant except for change. The Prairie is burned, the bluebirds, bobolinks, meadow larks return, and the chorus and pickeral frogs sing their songs, the prairie grasses are seeded, midges and then blue-winged olives emerge from the stream, asparagus and green garlic sprout up, the farmers market starts. Plants, herbs, flowers and pork are brought off of the farm, strawberries are eaten. The summer invites the bees to the wildflowers, the kestrels fledge, wallows are made, the fireflies light the night, the garden starts to burst with basil, tomatoes, squash, and zinnias. Snapping turtles move between the pond and the stream, the pasture is moved, elderberries form. Fall brings the asters show, little blue turns to orange, the cup plants still holds water, the sugar maple begins to show color, the apples ripen, the leaves and walnuts fall. Squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, and nuts are gathered for the winter, forbes are seeded, piglets are born, the pasture is moved. The winter brings long shadow, blankets of snow, challenging roads and chores, the bright night sky showing us our Galaxy.....
Dorothy's Range LLC Southwest WI [email protected] 608-444-1102